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What is Nanoblading?

Nanoblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattoo technique that uses a fine nano needle. The purpose of nanoblading differs depending on whether a makeup technician performs the treatment on your eyebrows or your lips.



It is done with a disposable pen, which has inserted at one end very small needles with which micro cuts are made in the skin that imitate the tracing of each hair.

With the NanoBlanding pen we have the possibility to create strokes in the form of individual hair, resulting in a much more realistic eyebrow than with other techniques. Our goal is to create a timeless design according to your physiognomy.



The usual duration of Nano Blanding is 24 to 36 months, although occasionally it can last longer. When performed in a superficial layer of the skin, the pigment degrades little by little, until some strokes disappear. When it begins to degrade, tweaks can be made so that it does not disappear.

The Nanoblanding sessions last approximately two and a half hours.


What is the difference between Microblading and Nanoblading?

Nanoblading is similar to microblading. The difference is that nanoblading uses a smaller needle than microblading. Precision and accuracy improves because of the smaller needle, allowing for more natural looking results. A smaller needle also means less pain and bleeding. Another difference involves how long results last.


To prepare for your treatment:

  • Don’t wax or tweeze your eyebrows a week prior to treatment.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, ibuprofen, aspirin, and fish oil supplements  at least 24 hours prior to treatment.
  • Don’t get a facial at least 2 weeks prior to treatment.
  • Don’t sunbathe or tan the day of your procedure.
  • Don’t use retinol or vitamin A products 1 month prior to treatment.

Before your first session, your artist may do a patch test on your skin to make sure you’re not allergic to the pigment ink.


Post-procedure care for eyebrow nanoblading

Here are some post-procedure tips for eyebrow nanoblading:

  • After the procedure, keep your eyebrows as dry as possible.
  • Wipe your eyebrows daily with a damp cloth, and then apply moisturizing cream provided by your nanoblading artist.
  • Avoid sweating, saunas, and hot baths for the first 7 days.
  • Don’t wear makeup around your eyebrows for at least a week.

You should also avoid tanning beds, light therapy, microdermabrasion, and chemical peels for the next 30 days.

Make it

Nanoblading prices

  • Eyebrows Digital Blanding/ Microblading

    $350 & Up
  • Retouch Microblading

    $150 & Up
  • Lip Pigmentation

    $300 & Up
Package NaNo-Blanding

Include retouch included

Semi-permanent eyebrow design with pigment to improve the appearance of the eyebrows. $630

Dania Beach • since 1992

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